About Gorgoness Films

At Gorgoness Films, we believe that cinema has the potential to bring higher levels of beauty and wonder to viewers’ lives. We see film as a unique artistic medium, one that blends visual art with movement, sound, and music to create the potential for transportive works of art. We believe that every moment of a film should be an intentional artistic choice about each of these elements, with the goal of delivering to the audience an extraordinary, unified aesthetic experience. 


When we experience something extraordinary in the theatre or on the screen at home, it stays with us long after we’ve left that darkened room: it returns us, as Francis Bacon says, “more violently” to our regularly scheduled programming. Whether a film invites you to savor something as mundane as carving a turkey (Amélie), or adds a thrill to every glance into a neighboring apartment building (Rear Window), our experience of film is not at all confined to the hours we spend consuming that particular work. 

At Gorgoness Films, we look for stories and filmmakers worthy of that incredible privilege.  We look in particular to writer-directors, because we believe that crafting a story and deciding how to tell that story visually and auditorily are not separate questions but interlocking ones.  Great things happen when those two processes progress together instead of step-wise. We also look for directors who are eager to make the most of film as a visual and auditory medium by, for example, exposing plot through images rather than dialogue, or conveying emotion through music rather than description.

Creating this kind of film requires coordinating a large diversity of talents in robust art, sound, and music departments. With our collective decades of experience in law and finance, the female-led team at Gorgoness is well positioned to handle the scale and complexity required for this coordination, organization, and execution. Our incredible depth of experience handling complex global legal and financial problems for our former clients translates in the film world into unparalleled organization, problem-solving, leadership, and execution.

Our Services

Gorgoness Films offers numerous services through the development, pre-production, production, post-production, promotion, and sale stages of film and television series creation, including packaging, financing, and producing.  Our capabilities cover financial, legal, and consulting advisory work as well as direct production services in all stages of film and series creation, include strategic film festival and pre-distributor promotion efforts, and end with the sale of the film or series to a streamer or traditional distributor.